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What would you do?

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Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Scunthorpe lincolnshire
Ive been browsing through sites to take my mind off things (bad night, cant sleep) and decided to put a few things in the sites shopping basket that i would love to get for the animals in my care, to enrich their lifes a bit more.

Funds are short and we are currently tryin to raise funds for henry (rabbit) to have an operation. So I'm on this random site adding things purly for fun, nothing will come of it which is pretty sad as the site has a 70% sale on! So far I'm on around £70. Now this doesnt include some fantasic cheap hamster/mouse cages that would be great for the smaller rescues.

Anyway my question is, if you were given £500 to spend how ever * wanted, what would you do with it? (this is ofcourse hyperthetical (sp?)
It's a fun thing to do. :))

If I had £500 to spend on whatever I wanted, I would spend it on some home study courses and lots of different hays for my piggies. The only material things I might buy for myself would be a few clothes or DS games. But with the rest of the money, I would do the distance learning courses that I really want to do!
There is nothing we really need so I'd give £100 to rescue and put the rest of it in the pet account, boring I know but what can I say.
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Sensible. I would build the cage units i want, and get some of our buns neuterd, then henry and salad could go together. Most importantly i would get henrys teeth operation sorted first. £140 for henrys teeth £50 each for their neuters. so would only get a few cages built :(

The cage units will cost in total 1.3k :(
Wow things do cost sooo much, here's hoping that the money will be raised for all you need to do hun.
I hope so, i did a comp on the bunny forum, nobody was interested. Might do one on here. I have nothing to offer though! Trying to sell alot of old childminder stuff for funds but nobody has seemed that interested lol. Who wouldnt want clothes for 8 pence each? rolleyes

Sombody on the bunny forums has orderd some cosy's and piggys base sheets, but i wont be making much profit on those, only a little over the cost of materials, but all helps. I didnt want to offer the cosy's on here because sombody else is doing that for a chin rescue. I'm not wanting to step on toe's.

Ive got alot of fundraising/donation leaflets printed out to hand out to people in the street and some door to door posting, but ive got a rotten cold, which ive had for around 2 months which has nicly turned into a chest infection. So I'm avoiding going out, i dont want it to turn into anything more serious.
I could do with £500 right now! :))

I would buy new flooring/tiles to finish off my new kitchen - I'm currently trying to save up money for these. Got a brand new kitchen and now can't afford to finish it! rolleyes

I'd buy the guinea pigs a new cage - they desperately need one.

My cats would get a new large scratching tree post thingy.

The hamster would get new toys.

And if there was anything left, which I doubt, I would buy me some new clothes.
I would add it to the house deposit fund that me and my bf are trying to save up for
Ive been browsing through sites to take my mind off things (bad night, cant sleep) and decided to put a few things in the sites shopping basket that i would love to get for the animals in my care, to enrich their lifes a bit more.

Funds are short and we are currently tryin to raise funds for henry (rabbit) to have an operation. So I'm on this random site adding things purly for fun, nothing will come of it which is pretty sad as the site has a 70% sale on! So far I'm on around £70. Now this doesnt include some fantasic cheap hamster/mouse cages that would be great for the smaller rescues.

Anyway my question is, if you were given £500 to spend how ever * wanted, what would you do with it? (this is ofcourse hyperthetical (sp?)

Out of interest- what sire has got a sale on? If i had £500 to spare i would give some to an animal charity, by lots of lovely things for my future piggies and put the rest to paying off my Boyfriends car.
If i had £500 i would order lots of goodies for the pigs off pampered piggies, including lots of scrummy hay and order more oxbow hay and then put what is left towards the deposit on a house that me and my fiance are saving for.

Wouldn't it be nice to have some spare cash?
I have spare cash but no job so can't really blow it lol! :))

I did buy the piggies hay and C & C cubes so they got a new cage but that was needed, because I donated all my hay and old cage to a rescue! :)!
I'm really selfish, but I'd put it into an account and say it's £100 for each of my piggies, but it'd be saved incase any of them need an operation ever xxxxxx
Well it would be lovely to buy some of your wonderful products in the UK and US......... but i think i'd have to give the money away to a Piggie Rescue or a Piggie Retirement Home :)
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