Hot weather warning for the UK - Member questions and heatwave feedback

If he's too hot you can wet a towel, wring it out and wrap him up in it for a little while to draw out the heat.
Was thinking about doing this. Making one last effort to cool the room with a fan, sheet and a spray bottle which has a mist setting. So far it's gone down 2° so fingers crossed
We seem to be doing ok so far - we're in a bungalow so no upstairs to blow the heat up to!

Piggies are both laid out, away from the ice bottles and tiles so I assume they're not doing too bad. In the pig room (my office, actaully!), it's really hot. Windows are shut and covered, the roof is clear perspex but covered so not too bad. It's still stifflingly warm in the entire house!

Our dog (turned 18 at the weekend!) is laid out in the bedroom with a wet towel over him and a fan on him. Our Double Rex hairless rat is curled up in his blanket (he must be mad!). All of the fish tank lights are off. Our (black!) cat Alan has been out since 9pm last night - not unusual in the summer and he'll be back for dinner, I just can't believe he'll spend all day in a field in this heat rather than indoors!

Hope all is well for everyone, nearly through the worst of it now.. Head is pounding so I am looking forward to it breaking, though not sure it will help the humidity much afterwards!
We are in Scotland so not as hot as down South but i brought Belle and Ebony into the downstairs loo yesterday which is the coolest room in our house. They were back in their hutch outside last night (this is the first summer they have been in the fabulous hutch that Steve came and handbuilt in my garden last year!)

Today, it is cooler here. And then it rained! So i have kept them in the hutch but put the 2 cooling panels from my freezer in there and a thin fleece lightly covering the wire part of the hutch for shade. The hutch is under a tree so it is a bit shaded anyway.

Plenty cucumber for fluids. It gets much cooler here tomorrow though.
Yes I can put some in the bathroom,but with 4 cages ,and 12 piggies it is difficult.ive popped some in boxes downstairs until it cools later today.
We hit 39°c earlier currently 30° but inside the flat is showing as 26° bit I have a little AC unit so it feels even cooler!
Boys have been sitting in the Pocket of their liner so I don’t they they are to warm!
I’m camping out in the living room too as my office is over 30°!
Moving Toffee and Biscuit to the kitchen seemed to be the right thing to do. Most of the day the temp there has been hovering between 26.2-26.4 while the other rooms are 29-30. Outside it's 38 according to the BBC (I haven't been out!) But now the kitchen has crept up to 27. I've added another wet towel but the sun is round now and it was this time yesterday that the temp in the piggy room started to rise so I'm starting to worry again.
I keep telling myself just get through the next few hours and it will all be ok. I hope.


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Katie my cat has been locked inside,cat flap locked.she is lying upstairs on the floor next to the fan.Cats do much better with the heat,as originate from north Africa. Like warm places.but the pavements and slabs are a risk of burning there pads in there feet,so I decided not to let her outside.shes a white cat.she is alittle frustrated, but I would rather be too cautious.
Earlier I didn't think any of my cooling tactics were working today, then I went outside! Inside felt like inside a fridge when I came back in.
It's pouring with rain now, we stood on the patio and watched the dark clouds approaching. Sadly the air is not feeling any fresher yet, hopefully it will cool down so we can get some sleep tonight. At least the grass is getting some water it's getting hard to find any to cut. Freddie is the only one to use the ice pods, he lies on top of them. Yesterday afternoon I caught him lying across two, stretched right out, looking like he was really enjoying it.
Moving Toffee and Biscuit to the kitchen seemed to be the right thing to do. Most of the day the temp there has been hovering between 26.2-26.4 while the other rooms are 29-30. Outside it's 38 according to the BBC (I haven't been out!) But now the kitchen has crept up to 27. I've added another wet towel but the sun is round now and it was this time yesterday that the temp in the piggy room started to rise so I'm starting to worry again.
I keep telling myself just get through the next few hours and it will all be ok. I hope.
Can you put them into the bathroom If it’s cooler?
I was able to come back earlier today and all piggies were fine. Changed their frozen bottles and gave them a green bean each. Dampened the bedsheet in front of their hutch again. I’ll go give them dinner a little later.
Flaming heck . It’s a furnace outside 40 degrees. I’ll be on 2 hour cat naps and checking on my boys. They’re ok at the moment and making use of their ice blocks. If I complain about the cold in the winter please feel free to beat me up with a big stick 😱
I wish we were getting thunderstorms here, the sun has clouded over but opening the door is like hitting a wall of humidity!
I am now at the point of visualising/hallucinating a nice cool marble bathroom with a jacuzzi fizzing with chilled champagne with little meringue bath ducks floating on top and presumably also a boat made from chilled vegetable marrows for the piggywigs to join me lol :)
Enjoy your time off 😁 you’ve earns it in this heat
I’m going to attempt to wrangle Thursday afternoon off - I’ve done so much overtime with work that I need to claim back in lieu! Had some animal emergencies ourselves at work I had to attend to, so didn’t leave until 3 hours late some nights…. Can’t wait, roll on Friday please!
26.5C. Can't run the fan without it billowing the blinds so that's out. I had some leftovers in the freezer and I've just wrapped those in a teatowel each. New freezer's arriving tomorrow anyway so even though I won't get eating the leftovers it's not a massive loss. The goblins are still eating fine, Bann's apparently convinced one of the teatowels is Food 🤷‍♂️
Just a thought,Bradgate Park has a wild fire going on now,Leicestershire has been put on emergency due to risk of fires.not to light barbecues,leave glass outside.i live near Bradgate Park.i think the government t of the day need to think of policies in place to deal with wild thoughts go put to the fire brigades.
Aarrgh, I went out on an errand and on my return the monitor says its gone up to 25.4 in the hutch. Debating whether to bring the piggies inside, as it continued getting hotter even after the sun moved off the front of the pig room yesterday.

I want the weather to break with a good downpour to freshen the atmosphere. The garden needs it, especially the pond which has dried down to the sludge at the bottom. The BBC weather app thinks it's going to stay dry, but the forecast for aviation at Birmingham Airport says there's a 30% chance of thunderstorms or rain in the next few hours.

I was concerned about climate change before, but these recent extremes make me really worried that we have passed the tipping point on global warming 😕