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My Guinea Pig Stinks...

Okay, ill only give them 1 tablespoon of pellets per day.
You won't be popular for a while if my experience is anything to go by but stick with it. Your piggies may well tell you off good and proper to start with I had all five of mine tell me off (I had five at the time, now four and soon to be three - the Rainbow Bridge is currently whispering Meg's name will soon be shouting it :( ). I'm so pleased I don't speak piggie cos the air was positively blue!
I have puppy pads under the fleece. Whenever i clean the poop out of their cage it usually feels a little damp in some places, but it might be from where they peed recently. The only place where its really soaked is under the water bottle, but it might be leaking...
You can always make some simple pee pads for high traffic areas - in their hides/beds. I use bath mats on top of the fleece which makes it last about 8 days without changing the fleece. I take the bath mats off and wash them and can then get another 2-3 days out of just the liner.
You can always make some simple pee pads for high traffic areas - in their hides/beds. I use bath mats on top of the fleece which makes it last about 8 days without changing the fleece. I take the bath mats off and wash them and can then get another 2-3 days out of just the liner.
Thank you!
You can always make some simple pee pads for high traffic areas - in their hides/beds. I use bath mats on top of the fleece which makes it last about 8 days without changing the fleece. I take the bath mats off and wash them and can then get another 2-3 days out of just the liner.
What kind of bath mats are you talking about?
Do your boys like to rumble and swagger around with each other? I found that their hormones can give off quite a pong, but otherwise my two boys never smelt of pee 🤔
I suggest let them be. Please don't give them a bath. Giving them bathes can kill them because it wipes the grease off their fur. This is very dangerous. Also Could you add more information? Like how often do you clean the cage? How big is it? What kind of bedding are you using?
I suggest you stop giving incorrect information and leave it to our forum specialists. Anymore and I will ensure you and the forum will part ways.