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Search results

  1. TheBoarsBaggins

    Potentially Dangerous Cage Accessories And Toys

    Does anyone know if toys/chews made of China fir wood is safe? I couldn't find any info about it. My boars love to chew and this one is particularly entertaining for them. It's all China fir wood with a ball inside that they tinker with. They showed interest in it but I took it away before they...
  2. TheBoarsBaggins

    Taking A 2 Day Trip Home...

    Thank you all so much for your responses! They refused food and water every time I tried but we are now home and they're all set up. I think they were on a hunger strike in the car. I'd imagine it's hard work being a pig. They ate well and are settling in nicely! Best, Jess
  3. TheBoarsBaggins

    Taking A 2 Day Trip Home...

    Okay so we're on the road...Day 1 of the trip. My poor babies look terrified. They're not wheeking or making any noises though. Would they be making sounds if they were in distress?
  4. TheBoarsBaggins

    Daily Veggies

    My boys hate cucumber. They take one bite, drop it, and give me this, "Why have you forsaken me?" look.
  5. TheBoarsBaggins

    Taking A 2 Day Trip Home...

    Hi everyone. So I am moving home this summer. We are breaking the trip up over two days so it won't be so dreadful for the pigs. The first day will be about 6 hours and the second will be about the same. We found a pet friendly hotel to stop at. They will be traveling securely strapped in our...
  6. TheBoarsBaggins

    Odd Behaviour Combinations?!

    Hahah yes. We're big LOTR fans. They were originally named Frodo and Hamilton but as I got to know Hamilton, he was clearly a Bilbo. Every time I went to clean his cage, he'd run around wheeking and popcorning. He'd run into my hands and jump on top of his pigloos. He reminded me of how...
  7. TheBoarsBaggins

    Do Your Piggies Kiss?

    THAT IS SO CUTE. I'm CRYING! :luv:
  8. TheBoarsBaggins

    Cutting Guinea Pigs Nails = Hard!

    I actually just cut my boars' nails a few hours ago for the first time ever. I had cats my whole life and my mom and I always teamed up to cut their nails and that was always quite the struggle! I was nervous to cut too close to the quick but I decided to just clip a tiny bit as this was my...
  9. TheBoarsBaggins

    Best Hay Rack/set Up

    I purchased this colorful, large wooden climbing ladder and bent it into a gentle slope and put my hay on top of that. (It looks sloppy right now because I didn't tidy the hay today but usually the hay stays on top of it very well.) I find very few poops at the bottom of the hay and haven't had...
  10. TheBoarsBaggins

    Odd Behaviour Combinations?!

    My boyfriend and I joke that we should have named our boars Lenny and George. Frodo is just dopey as can be. He's always got this dumb as dirt, confused look on his face. It's really quite endearing but I'm convinced he finds me bothersome. I love special animals.
  11. TheBoarsBaggins

    Whose Dropped Their Phone In Water?

    Ah, the struggle. When I was a teen, I was at work and dropped my tiny flip phone in the toilet AFTER I had just peed. I snatched it out without thinking and then immediately rinsed it under hot water AS IF THAT WAS HELPFUL. It promptly shorted and never worked again. (Shocking, right?) Since...
  12. TheBoarsBaggins

    My Guinea Pig Looks Like... ( Add Your Own!)

    I am laughing hysterically at all of these :))
  13. TheBoarsBaggins

    Bloated? How Can I Tell?

    Thank you so much.
  14. TheBoarsBaggins

    Bloated? How Can I Tell?

    hi everyone, So I took my boars (about 3 mos old) out to weigh them for the first time but when I put Frodo on the scale he puffed himself up and his sides just above his hind legs puffed out. I started to wonder if maybe that is what bloat or some similar gastrointestinal issue looks like...
  15. TheBoarsBaggins

    Cuteness Overload!

    Hahaha so funny
  16. TheBoarsBaggins

    Soon To Be Owned By Piggies

    When I first introduced my pigs to their cage, I had the entire bottom lined with Carefresh bedding so they got used to the feel of going to the bathroom in that. Then I switched the bedding into a litter pan covered with a wood hut and lined the rest of the cage with fleece. Luckily, 95% of...
  17. TheBoarsBaggins

    What Do You Do?

    I'm finishing up my dual masters in early childhood and special education and I currently work as a substitute teacher but I'm moving back to New York for this coming school year. I was just offered a full-time nursery teacher job. I'm very excited to have my own classroom again!
  18. TheBoarsBaggins

    Help With Ringworm!

    Omg, now I'm nervous. Both of mine have bald spots behind their ears. I think they've always been there though. Is that not normal?
  19. TheBoarsBaggins

    A Very Cute But Aggresive Guinea Pig Problem

    I have two male Abyssinians that were born in January. Only recently have I been able to pet their heads when they are in their cage. They used to wheek like mad when I tried to pick them up or put my hands in the cage. Now they come out and stare at me until I give them a good head scratch. I...
  20. TheBoarsBaggins

    Unsure On What To Do!

    I think it's so sweet that you want to save him. I can't imagine he would be unhappy having a forever family of his own. If you have the space and resources, I would only applaud and admire you for taking him in. Sending good vibes your way :D