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  1. dannif_piggies

    Guinea Pig (and hamster) accessories websites?

    Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone knows of cheap (but good) guinea pig (and/or hamster) accessories websites. Ive used zooplus and petplanet, but are there any others that people recommend. Ideally looking for the smaller (less obvious) places, so not eBay... Amazon... etc. I would also...
  2. Rinn

    Best Hay Rack/ Hay Rack Suggestions.

    I was wondering which hay rack would be the safest? This thread can also be a suggestion for hay racks. I know that ball hay racks/wheel hay racks/the V shaped wire hay rack had caused more than a few accidents. Here is a hay rack I'm currently using for the pigs. They are from daiso, I cut a...
  3. Lil3piggies

    Cosy Cups, Beds And Hides!

    Hi everyone! Does anyone have any sites that they use for affordable but nice piggie beds and cosy cups etc in the uk.. thank you!
  4. Siikibam

    The Things We Do!

    So here I am, staying up late after working last night and having had very little sleep today. Logic would have been to be in bed by now but I'm busy making stuff for the boys! Really?! I don't want anyone missing out so I'm making two at the same time. Hopefully I have enough fleece left...