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  1. C

    Bonding With Adult Guinea Pigs?

    I've had two female guinea pigs for over a year, and they seem to be relatively used to me... they respond to my voice and wheek whenever I walk by but they don't seem to like being petted or have any human contact whatsoever. I hand feed them every day as well as give them floor time to run...
  2. grayzoe99

    Baby Rex Guinea Pigs

    My babies when they were 6 weeks old and the last pics are of them yesterday at 3 years old! I love looking back on old photos of how small they were especially because they are so big now! 🥰
  3. acefebreze

    Separating bonded adult & babies for feeding?

    Hey all, I have 3 bonded guinea pigs (1 adult and 2 babies) currently in a 3x4 C&C, so space isn't an issue for them. In order to feed the babies alfalfa pellets and make sure the adult doesn't eat them, I'm planning to split the space into two 2x3's to separate the adult and the babies. To...
  4. M

    Aggressive Female + Shy Female

    I have had a female guinea pig named Macy for nearly two years, I got her by herself because my parents only let me get one at the time. Recently I got a baby guinea pig (female as well) and she is only two months. I was expecting it to be a bit difficult with Macy as she's been alone for so...
  5. Keiko The Pig

    Bonded Boar Trouble

    Hey everyone, I need some advice. I have 2 healthy intact boars that just turned 1 year old in march/April. They've been together since April 2016 when I adopted a friend for my lone piggy. Recently my white pig Milo has been squeaking up a storm for no apparent reason. This happens before...