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baby girl

  1. Celine298

    Happy Birthday Lola-jean :)

    Today is Lola-Jean's birthday! Well, it's a celebration of the day I got her :P She a little pocket-rocket, full of business and energy! Constantly chatting to her brother Sunny, or anyone who'll listen, the loudest of wheekers and a fearless little explorer who (I discovered quite early on)...
  2. Jennybug89

    Does She Need A Supplement?

    So as some of you know I have been giving our first piggy Rosie Vitamin C supplement since I realised the state she came to me in. We got a new piggy today from the pet shop. She came to them from the breeder yesterday. (yes she is quarantined and yes I would have rescued if there was one near...
  3. Jennybug89

    Our New Arrival!

    Meet Rachel! She's 8 weeks old... And stunning. Picked her up today and can't get enough of her. She's in her own cage separate from Rosie for the next few weeks till they can meet. Cannot wait to introduce the two. Any ideas of her breed?
  4. court29x

    Nibbling And Flipping On Side

    The smaller piggy of my two 7 week olds, Beansprout, flips onto her side and nibbles quite frequently when being handled, we've tried to handle them calmly and gently, and we've put her behaviour down to being young or perhaps needing a wee or poo when being handled, but the other piggy, Noodle...
  5. Einahpets16

    Licking... Good Sign?

    Hi. I'm actually really happy because a month ago I got Agatha my baby girl. So it's been a "learning every day" kind of experience. But I think now I can understand her better and when she wants food, hay, attention or when she wants to be by herself. Recently I notice she licks my hand...