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  1. M

    New Guinea Pig OWNER🤍

    Heyy! This is my first time ever owning a guinea pig. I’ve been planning on adopting one this summer but my internship got canceled this summer because of covid so my sister surprised me with one from the pet store! ( she didn’t know any better). I’ve had her for about a month now and I have...
  2. Hannahb2804

    Safe for flowers around piggies

    Hello just wondered if anyone could help me, when I get my piggies I’m planning to put them in my living room which is quite spacious, but I always buy flowers to put in there, would I be best stopping buying them as I know piggies have a sensitive sense of smell or are they ok to be near...
  3. Eeva

    Shy Piggy

    I have had my guinea pig law for 14 days now got him at my job when i noticed he was not moving from the corner hiding under the hay he was being stepped on by other guinea pigs and today i got him some meds for ringworm and to help gain weight i didnt notice the ringworm till today because he...
  4. Gus&Gibby

    New Guinea Owner, Help&tips

    Hello! I am new to owning guinea pigs. I've had everything under the sun and this is my first time having guinea pigs. Last week I got a male 2 month old guinea pig and named him gus and today I got another 2 month old male guinea pig from the same place and named him Gibby. Now I have been...