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best hay

  1. cashewandpeppa

    Dust-free hay in the US

    Quality of hay is BY FAR the most important thing to me for my girls. I'm looking for a premium hay to order online that doesn't have a ton of dust at the bottom of the bag/box. I'd order from dustfreehay.co.uk if I was in the UK, but I'm in Chicago, IL. And their hay is American-grown, so I'm...
  2. Hannahb2804

    Type of hay and where to purchase

    Hi! Wondering if anyone could help me, I’ve been doing my research on the best hay to buy for piggies, Preferably id want to buy one big box to use for both the toilet tray and hay bag but I know some people chose to do one type of hay for one and one the other so if anyone could answer these...
  3. M


    Anyone brought a hay bale from pet bedding uk website/eBay? Just wanting to know if the hay is good quality our not? It says fresh sweet meadow hay? I've just brought my girls a bale from there should be here by Thursday.