
  1. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Anyone Order A Chooken?

    It's 2 for the price of 1 today! You were served by Andromeda :D
  2. Guineapigfeet

    Piggy Feet And Faces

    From their second floor time of the day. BB-8 jumped over my leg for the first time today :) and I caught a sneaky chooken from Rey. Chewie was just Chewie! She was a right ratbag yesterday and was sweet as pie for weighing today.
  3. Guineapigfeet

    Snoozing Pigs

    Sorry, no picture! I didn't dare disturb them! Caught Cheewie having an out-in-the-open nap yesterday with her eyes open (it's so freaky!) and Rey had a couple of lay-like-a-dog chill-outs with back legs sticking out from under her side. My first thought, having never seen her do this before...
  4. Pandapudge

    I Spy A Chooken, A Nose And Some Pretty Colours!

    the girls and I tried out brushing this evening. I think they aren't quite sure what to think of it - there were little chirps and lots of stillness!