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  1. S

    Guinea pig poop smells really bad

    Hi, I have 2 guinea pigs. 1 is 2 years old and the other 24 weeks old. They have shared a 3 x 5 cage now for months. I had the 2 year old first and never had a problem with a smelly room or poop. Only when I got another guinea pig the smell has got really bad. That bad you can smell it as soon...
  2. Kallasia

    Painting Of Binky! I'm Feeling Proud!

    What do you guys think of my abstract version of Binky? The many colours represent the many aspects of his personality and of the joy he brings his brother Errol and myself and partner <3
  3. Pandapudge

    I Spy A Chooken, A Nose And Some Pretty Colours!

    the girls and I tried out brushing this evening. I think they aren't quite sure what to think of it - there were little chirps and lots of stillness!