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  1. jlai928

    Crusty bit of fur on Guinea pig back?

    My Guinea pig has developed a crusty bit of fur on his back ... I'm not sure if it's fungal or just from the heat (currently we've got a heat wave in the UK). Never happened before and his behaviour is unchanged. Perhaps he's a bit grumpier than usual snapping at the other pigs but that could...
  2. E

    Dry patch behind guinea pig’s ears?

    I'm not sure if it’s a fungal infection or not but my 1 year old female guinea pig has a small patch of dry scaly skin behind each ear. She has had it for a long time but I always thought it was normal. She also gets flaky ears sometimes and often has a small (but not abnormal) amount of crust...
  3. S

    Little dry patch

    Hello! I posted on here the other day about my guinea boy who had a crusty ear. This is now clearing up well with daily sea salt cleaning. however I’ve just found this patch. Is it anything to be worried about. They’ve been treated for mites.
  4. L

    Female Piggy Crust On Bum Area

    I don't know if it's her bum area, but my female guinea pig has yellowish whiteish crust on her pee/poo area and I don't know what to do. She seems OK, but I am a bit worried.
  5. S

    Specialist Cheilitis-crusty lips

    Anybody have experience treating cheilitis? My pig has had it for over a month with scabbing/crusting all over her lips with occasional lumps. My vet treated her with antibiotics (SMZ-TMP) and a topical (silver sulfadiazine) for weeks now with no improvement. They also recommended to...
  6. Tinychels

    Crust around the nose

    Hello! I’ve noticed that piggy Akira has some kind of crust below her nose. She usually sneezes maybe once every few days. I took pictures with flash because that’s the only way I can show the crust. Don’t worry, I wasn’t grabbing her head - it kind of looks that way. I have visited the vet once...
  7. Jesse's pigs

    Mo's Bits And Bobs

    Hi guys it's me again with another question that if it wasn't piggy related I'd probably be locked up for asking haha. Basically I just cleaned my piggy out like usual- shook his fleece and removed hay and poos. I proceeded to give him his little stroke where he rolls over and reveals his belly...
  8. Livy

    Crusty Eyes

    Hi everyone, I am posting to see if anybody has had a similar situation or have any idea what this could be. My guinea Benny has been dealing with some crusty eye issues. We brought him to the vet a few weeks ago for it and after examination and a dye drop test he was diagnosed with...
  9. REBrowning

    Crusty/scabby Nose

    Hi, my male guinea pig has this on his nose it looks like a big scab but it's solid and seems to be quite deep in him. I thought he had had a fight with another one of our guinea pigs and had gotten it from that but I don't think it's the case anymore. Is this something we should be worried...
  10. PeanutandGus

    Scabby/crusty Nose

    My pig has a really crusty nose and seems to have something brown under the fur and I can work out what it is or what's causing it.. He's eating and behaving normally, I will book a vets appointment in the morning but just wondered if anyone has any ideas or had similar things?:soz: Thank you...