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  1. G

    Skinny Pigs & Allergies? Please Help

    My family had a beautiful long-haired Peruvian Piggie that died at 6 years old in 2011. I was so upset over losing her that I never planned on getting another "replacement" piggy. But today I just happened to be at a pet store and fell in love with a little black skinny pig. We brought her home...
  2. crnyng

    Rescue Pig Health Issues

    I posted before about rescueing/adopting a two year old female that had static lice/hay mites. I picked her up today and my god poor girl. Her water bottle had algae growing all over it, her food bowl had mold at the bottom in the crevasses, but my biggest concern is her skin! Her dander is SO...
  3. Brandy

    Allergic To Just One Of My Piggies

    I have two guinea pigs, CC and Poppy, I've discovered recently that I am allergic to one of them but not both. At first it seemed I was allergic to both of them; I got the sniffles and had itchy watery eyes. Eventually those symptoms went away and now I just get hives when I pick one of them up...