
  1. Taylor S

    Lethargic Guinea Pigs & Death..

    Hello, I've tried browsing the forums but I couldn't find what I needed so here goes.. So in the summer this year (August) I rescued some guinea pigs, 5 months of age, supposedly 3 females.. Well, my two sow guinea pigs recently had pups (over a month ago in October). The boar is now...
  2. A

    Guinea Pig Died All The Sudden

    My pig died unexpectedly during the night because when I woke up I went to check up on her she was lying on the floor stiff. I was shocked, she was only 3 and a half years old I don’t think it’s because of old age. I fed her regularly and I was going to clean her cage today. Her cage was big. I...
  3. Carlm80

    Guinea Pig Died Suddenly

    My 6 month old guinea pig just died a few hours ago..I'm absolutely gutted and heartbroken, he was fine this morning and then by early afternoon I could hear him whimpering..when I checked on him I noticed that he had diarrhea and was acting quite tired and his back legs looked like they were...