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dinner time

  1. BlueBird

    I could watch this all day...!

    Munching guineas beat any TV show! From left to right: Bonnie (3ish), Harvey (1.5 previously Fanta of potteries GPR) and Belle (4-5 our top pig, most tame pig and acts like the spoiled princess she is)
  2. Siikibam

    These Boys!

    For the last few days Toffee has been wheeking when I walk past their cage. I've only given in a couple of times and given them a small sliver of cucumber or some spring greens/coriander. Now it's a case of just resisting Today they went outside for the first time. Wrong day as it was a little...
  3. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Happiness Is A Blade Of Grass... Or Two.

    Too many pics of lawn mowing! Iggy's first time out with the girls, but in a separate run :) ^ Where's Iggy? :D ^ "Let me at 'them mum!" ^ "We just need one more for out Beatles tribute act!" ^ "Hi Cissy, Cissy... Cissy... Cissy! Pay attention to me!" They were far more...