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  1. Y

    Dental Dental disease: tooth removal, now an abscess. Is there anything we could have/ can do better?

    Hi everyone. This site has helped my partner and I navigate health issues for two different pigs over the last two years with dental disease. I just wanted to express my sincere and profound gratitude for everyone here, because you all have helped us so much. Today, I took Chia in for a...
  2. H

    Gastrointestinal hypomotility and stasis !?

    Hi, I have 2 guinea pigs, Lima and Leyla. Leyla is always healthy as a fiddle, she is a very crazy guinea pig, often she can't stand in one place for a minute. But Lima, she's such a snuggly, lazy, greedy guinea pig. That wouldn't be a problem, but she's always sick, she recently overcame a...
  3. O

    Ringworm Treatment

    Does anyone know of anything good to treat ringworm infection for my fur baby? Its a very early stage and I want to prevent it from spreading or getting worse. I have currently separated my other two from her and I clean the cage daily so not sure how she got it. I clean the fleece lining and...
  4. Celine298

    Blood in Pee

    Hello all! Sunny has a mysterious illness and I thought I would put it out there to see if anyone else has encountered it. Two weeks ago I noticed some red patches in the cage when cleaning it. I took Sunny and Lola out, gave them a thorough inspection and palpitated their tummy's (like the...
  5. R

    Specialist Heart disease diagnostics

    I'm an owner of 1 year old guinea pig. Several monthes ago my pig started sound strange, like whistle or howl and it happens only in the morning. My vet diagnosed that it's rhinitis and prescribed to use Fluimucil. But it gets only worse. The sounds started happen more often and not only in...
  6. C

    Really Veiny Ears?

    Hello! Sorry I couldn't find anything specific about this so I had to ask I got a new guinea pig, I think he's about 3 or 4 months old. I rescued a very skinny, runt baby last year and he also had very veiny ears and suddenly passed away the next month.. I don't want the same thing to happen to...