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drooling excessively

  1. C

    Guinea pig green drool?

  2. F

    Guinea pig drooling, a few strange changes in behavior, no major changes...teeth problems?

    Good day, everyone! I've been lurking on here for the past couple of years and this place has helped me immensely in raising my first guinea pig. He lived for six wonderful years until his passing in 2018. Now, my family recently bought me a new darling little guinea pig I named Horatio who I've...
  3. Kirstie-A

    Dental Help for sow with post-dental anorexia and gagging

    Hello, I have a 3 and a half year old sow who has had problems with maloccluded teeth over the past year. She has been having regular dentals and takes some ongoing pain relief for root elongation. Things were going well until about 3 weeks ago when she suddenly stopped eating. She had a...
  4. P

    Drooling And Runny Nose

    Hey My male Guinea pig Yuki has been drooling excessively like all the way down to his belly , he also has a runny nose and eyes and he won't eat anything although I have seen him drink once I know this is a get him to the vet asap! But I cannot get there until tomorrow I'm really worried as...