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dry food

  1. Cavysarah

    Guinea Pig only eating dry food

    Hello, I am hoping someone can help me with my guinea pig. She won't eat any food other than dry food (and pea flakes as a treat). We use Burgess nuggets with blackcurrant and Oregano. As a result she is a lot lighter than our other guinea pig (she is 600g and the other 1-1kg) but not losing...
  2. Medina

    Veggie Troubles! Need Help To Replace Some Things...

    Hello! I'm still new here so please be patient and pardon any ignorance hahaha So I adopted this super cute piggie from a rough situation. His whole life, he's eaten only one handful of timothy hay and half a carrot daily - that's it! I'm not sure how old he is, so I don't know how long he's...
  3. Cherrychops100

    Which Nuggets?

    hi there, I'm getting 2 female Guinea pigs in March. I'm obviously researching a lot and that's why I came to this forum. Which nuggets should I feed them? I want to avoid muesli to prevent selective feeding and I know about avoiding alfalfa and calcium. (Except from when they're still growing...