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elder guinea pig

  1. A

    Not eating hay even after dental surgery!

    Hi! My 7.5 y/o guin pig Nut has been refusing to eat hay for a while - while having a monster appetite for anything that isn't hay (pellets, veg, critical care, joint supplements I feed him). After a visit to the vet we found out that he has overgrown molars trapping his tongue, and today he...
  2. Suki&Indie

    Recurring Hiccups?

    I have a piggy who’s nearly 8 so you can image I’m a bit jumpy about her health 😅 recently I’ve noticed she has reoccurring bouts of hiccups. It’s very short and doesn’t upset her. I mostly notice it when she’s out for floor time but it’s happened once or twice in the cage too. She does have...
  3. A

    Help please! Transporting a 6 year old pig by cargo

    Hi! My family moved recently and we're now bringing our 6 year old guinea pig over. The only option is for him to travel in the cargo hold (the flight is approximately 4 hours long), and I'm extremely worried given his old age and the fact that he will be travelling alone. As I'm aware that...
  4. C

    SICK ELDERLY GUINEA — Can’t get critical care for 2 days — suggestions?

    Hi i have an 8 year old female been with me her whole life. She has allergies and seems she caught a bad ear/sinus infection. Doctor gave me antibiotics because she clear has snot coming out of her nose and eyes were all kinds of gross. That was yesterday. I cleaned her face off with a warm wet...
  5. Minniemary

    New Guinea pig metacam for arthritis in elderly pig

    Hi all, I have a pig who is coming in to 6.5 years who has really started to slow down recently. He has some superficial hair loss of his hind legs and he's exploring his cage much less these days so I'm fairly certain he's experiencing some level of pain due to arthritis. Other than this he is...
  6. E

    Elderly Guinea Pig

    Hi all!, I'd like to know what to expect from all you seasoned guinea pig owners! Our beloved Rosie is 7 1/2 and we've had her since she was about 3 months old. She's still going strong and has generally been super healthy! She was on an antibiotic a couple month ago as a precaution...
  7. T

    Guinea Pig Drinking A Lot Of Water

    Recently my guinea pig has been drinking a lot of water, she is over 6/7 years old I cannot remember exactly, I know that may sound bad but she is a baby of one of my old Guinea pigs☺️ and I was quite young when she was born so I didn't think to remember the date! I'm not sure if she has always...