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  1. D

    Guinepig toys

    Hello just wondering what the best toys for Guineapig’s are and something that will keep them entertained x:ple:
  2. Kiko+Peanut

    How To Keep A Piggy Entertained

    So I have seen many methods of people doing different things to keep there piglets happy. Some really cool. Some really bad. Some just plain dangerous. What do you do to keep your babies happy?
  3. JR.piggies

    Guinea Pig Chewable Toys

    Hi, i was just wondering if there are any popular edible toys for guineas, as mine has only one for now he has a little cardboard tube which he loves. I just wanted to see if there are any really good ones out there that are popular with most piggies as i dont really want to buy something he...
  4. Alexandra West

    What To Do With A Single Piggie?

    Hey! Finnian, my beloved piggie acts fine and all but how can I keep away boredom for him? I'm not allowed to get another piggie, so he's all alone. I let him play a lot and hold him to keep him company, but how and I keep him from being bored when I can't entertain him? I tried my hardest to...
  5. Alexandra West

    Guinea Pig "hamster" Ball Opinions.

    What do you think of the XXL hamster balls that petstores market for piggies? I personally think it's cruel to put any animal into a plastic ball without access for food or drink. What are your opinions? Do you like them? Do you use them for your piggies? I'd like to hear opinions on this. And...
  6. bumbling-bambi

    Bored Indoor Boars In The Run!

    My boys seem to be getting bored in the run! They have a great big multi storey cage so they can scuttle about to their little hearts content. They also have an indoor run meant for puppies (it takes up a fair bit of my living room!) and they go in that as much as possible - this is on average...
  7. FayeM

    Toy Ideas..

    Hi everyone I've got a few days off work and looking for some new ideas for toys for my boys! I've had to separate one of my pairs into singles after a bloody incident yesterday and don't want them to get bored whilst they're on their own for the time being.. Cleaning my fridge out I came...