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  1. Kallasia

    Guinea Pig Earrings!

    So I treated myself to a little something... take a look! I got them from here: Cute original creations, handmade with love. by Wildyfraise I ordered them on 8th Feb and they just arrived this morning - all the way from France! Here's the "official" image from the website:
  2. Gia

    Favorite Etsy Shop?

    I've been looking through Etsy for cozies lately, but can't seem to find a ton I like. Do you guys have any favorite shops for cozies or toys? Also, do you guys have any tips for making your own?
  3. Kallasia

    Opinions Please! :)

    Hi all! You may remember about a week or so ago I said I was considering getting a custom sign made for my guinea pigs' bedroom when we move house... well it's done, and I got some matching accessories too! I have to know what you all think! It's in the post right now, but the maker kindly sent...