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failing bonding?

  1. Jesse's pigs

    If bond has failed what next

    Hi guys- firstly can I just say thank you to everyone who has helped me over on my previous thread regarding my beloved Steve it is honestly amazing to see how he is today. So much brighter and basically his normal self. He is ever so slightly pissed about the lack of veges... so far I’ve only...
  2. Julie M

    Fudge And Peanut Bonding.

    Well Fudge and Peanut have been in a 2x5 c&c together since Tuesday after leaving their bonding pen. Fudge is probably about 4 years old and peanut is 6 months old. Fudge used to live with Alby (apparently same age as Fudge) they fell out as Fudge was constantly humping Alby. He's now doing the...