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  1. Jesse's pigs

    Birthday Gift Help.

    It's my grandad's birthday soon and I'd love to get him something piggy related. He looks after Mo when I'm on holiday (now Mo and Steve haha he's yet to meet him) and he loves them. Affectionately referring to Mo as 'Oink Oink' or 'hamster'. (A large hamster *cough* sorry Mo) in fact on phone...
  2. Afton<3

    A New Addition To The Family!

    So I am so excited to introduce you all to Kuro Usagi! He was just rehomed to me tonight and I am over the moon! :)):clap: Ps his name is Japanese and means Black Rabbit ( I love Japanese/anime things lol) he will get Kuro for short:)
  3. ChloeCee98

    Love Love Love ❤️

    I love it when friends and family ask to come round and see the piggies! Does anyone else end up having people sat in the pigs room veggies everywhere and happy piggies showing off? Cos I do almost twice a week lol! They get so much love and attention. Also popped a blanket over MoMos side of...
  4. Keiko The Pig

    Piggy Family!

    The top picture is of Milo's family! Mom (Pebbles) and his two sisters, ; Sara (the one climbing on little Milo), and Cindy, light brown, dark brown and white bottomed piggy. I just thought this was so cute I had to share it. Pebbles has now been adopted out with friend Wilma (hehe love those...