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  1. S

    What's your favourite song at the moment?

    Just being nosey - interested to see everyone's music tastes. 😁 So, what’s your favourite song at the moment?
  2. Siikibam

    Favourite photo of the day

    I thought it would be nice to see your favourite piggy photos of the day on here. I haven’t got one from today as I had a lie in then was busy all day. So here’s mine from Friday when I had lap time with the girls. 😍 Coco is a real cuddle bug! Chanel is quite ok as well but I think she prefers...
  3. Pxhione

    What's your favourite?!

    Hey there! :cool: So I was wondering what everyone's favourite Guinea pig sub breed is?! I personally love the look of Peruvian and Abyssian types but I also love the caring nature of the Abyssian (I have three!) What are all your thoughts? Please share your pics! :love:
  4. PandaBaird

    I'm changing from shavings to fleece soon, I'm new to fleece bedding so I'd like advice on what the best fleece and absorbant material

    Hi I'm moving house soon and I'd like to switch to fleece bedding for my 4 girls to keep any smell to a minumum and also because it looks nice, they're going to be in one of the spare rooms or maybe even the kitchen, I'm going to put their run on top of a raised platform so they're not on the...
  5. Kallasia

    Does Anybody Sew/tailor? :)

    Hi all, I'm trying to find someone (preferably local to me, but beggars can't be choosers) who can sew me a petticoat! I need one in any of the following materials: cotton linen silk viscose hemp bamboo It would preferably be a light colour such as white, ivory, cream etc. I need it to...
  6. PiggieNinja

    Which Is Your Favourite Guinea Pig Pellets?

    please vote on which guinea pig nuggets you/ your guinea pigs think are the best as i'm considering switching to something different as it becoming far too costly and my piggies don't even seem to keen on it .... please consider the cost, how healthy they are, and how much your piggies like them...