feeding problems

  1. songbird35

    Dental Guinea pig still not able to eat after dental work

    Hi there, first time poster, hope I do this correctly! My six year old guinea pig Pumpkin stopped eating completely two days ago aside from grain. She'd gradually been going off her food. I took her to the vet as soon as I realised how severe the problem had become and it turned out her bottom...
  2. L

    Feeding Help Needed After Dental Surgery!

    Hello. I'm after some advice after my boar guinea pig had dental surgery this Tuesday. He had lost weight and stopped eating due to overgrown front teeth and molars. Plus he had cracked one of the bottom teeth. He went under a GA and pulled through the surgery. He has been syringe fed since then...
  3. bumbling-bambi

    New Food Alert! - Piggies Not Sure?

    So I was out picking up some bits and bobs to tide us all over untill the new year and what should i find? A new food! I'm not sure if its new in general or just new to me but i thought id pick it up and try it out. So what is it i hear you ask? Well it's the Rosewood Naturals Meadow Menu...
  4. Beans&Toast

    Confused By Toast's Behaviour

    Warning: slightly long post. So I've had Toast for close to a year now and all I knew about her was that her previous owner did not spend any time with her or show her affection, she lived alone in a small cage and had food thrown in once a day. Understandably this means that she's not the...