
  1. P

    Tumor near kidney

    I took one of my guinea pigs (Momo) to the vet today after he started acting weird. He wasnt eating and was sleeping too much so i got really worried. At the vet the doctor told me he bas a lump in his abdomen near his kidney. They dont know if its attached to his kidney or not or if its...
  2. P

    Congested/Croaky/Groggy Noise

    Hi! I've been noticing a number of piggy owners writing threads about an unusual sound that guinea pigs make but didn't quite get a response. It sounds like a congested/croaky/groggy sound (or at least that's how I'd describe it). I'm hoping that this post would answer the question to those of...
  3. Taylor Richele

    Piggy Isn't Pooping

    Hi everyone. So a couple of days ago I noticed one of my pigs didn't want to come down for greens. She's normally waiting at her bowl about a half an our before greens time, so this was weird. I had to pick her up and move her to her food bowl. Once she was there, she ate fine. At this point she...