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  1. C

    Little flies in fleece

    Hi all, was hoping someone has also had this and can provide some reassurance. Its second time now I have found these little fly type things burried head down in pigs fleece? I've pulled the out with tweezers, brushed in some fly strike to fleece and the guinea pigs and washed fleece. I'm...
  2. L

    Please help:( my babies are Ill....

    Hi, I am new to this forum, so hello fellow guinea pig owners :) Firstly, I have owned Guinea pigs for years! Absolutely love them. Our ones live outside in hutches and in a run during the day. I currently have 4 rescue piggies, 3 of them being females and one male. Yesterday, I decided to...
  3. G


    Hi all, today whilst I was cleaning my Guinea pigs Duke and Aladdin's hutch, I noticed some awful little wriggly things. I instantly knew they were maggots because I have been experiencing some issues with flies even though I have a fly net on the hutch! I feel like such an awful owner and have...
  4. LisaBelfast

    Mites In My House!?

    Recently I got a dog and with it being allot warmer flies have started to come into my house more. I didnt really think nothing of it untill i squished one and saw all these little orange things run of the back of it and they were hard to kill, I have found out that these are mites. I have 5...