
  1. Fiona1987

    Vegetable and fruit ideas.

    Heya everyone, Just after some suggestions really as I seem to have a very fussy 5 month old guinea pig. She eats hay and her pellets with no problem but when it comes to veg she will only touch lettuce, kale and a bit of spinach and in little quantities. She won’t seem to touch anything else...
  2. A

    My Piggie Won't Eat Veggies

    Hello! My name is Aurora and my guinea pig's name is Slipper. He refuses to eat any other vegetable than carrots, and it's rather worrying for me. What changes should I make to his diet, and what veggies do you recommend to add? What vegetables and how much of them should I give in addition to...
  3. Cavysarah

    Guinea Pig only eating dry food

    Hello, I am hoping someone can help me with my guinea pig. She won't eat any food other than dry food (and pea flakes as a treat). We use Burgess nuggets with blackcurrant and Oregano. As a result she is a lot lighter than our other guinea pig (she is 600g and the other 1-1kg) but not losing...
  4. B

    Very sensitive to smells

    Hi, our family is looking into getting guinea pigs. But we want little to no smell as it will get irritating to be smelling poo, urine and hay all the time. We are thinking about getting two sows and keeping them in the spare bedroom on the top floor of the house, away from the main body of the...
  5. Stevenxxx

    Guinea Pig Doesn't Like Veg

    my Guinea pig is really fussy and the only vegetables he likes are carrots and romaine lettuce, I have tried everything including a few fruits but he refuses to eat anything else, I'm worried he will get a vitamin c deficiency problem so how else can I get these vitamins in him other than his...
  6. Michael o

    Pig Only Wants Spinach

    hi I only have the one pig (frowned upon I know) she only seems interested in spinach cucumber and bell peppers. If there no spinach she eats less and gets really grumpy! Is this normal. She might sniff or nibble other food and then just buggers off? Had her about 5 months