gastrointestinal stasis

  1. J

    worried about my boy with GI Stasis

    Hi all, hoping for some help/advice if anybody has any, or know what to expect! My piggie (male) has GI stasis, he was taken to the vet on Wednesday and was given gut stimulant medicine, painkillers and a gut stimulating ‘rescue remedy’ type thing. We’ve been giving that to him, but not seeing...
  2. H

    Gastrointestinal hypomotility and stasis !?

    Hi, I have 2 guinea pigs, Lima and Leyla. Leyla is always healthy as a fiddle, she is a very crazy guinea pig, often she can't stand in one place for a minute. But Lima, she's such a snuggly, lazy, greedy guinea pig. That wouldn't be a problem, but she's always sick, she recently overcame a...
  3. sophie_fn

    Help! Stringy poop and lack of appetite.

    Hello, I would appreciate some help with my elderly female. For the past two or so weeks I have noticed that she hasn't quite been herself. She is usually a huge foodie, but I've noticed that she is not eating as much as normal. She is still wheeking for food and clambering at the cage to get...
  4. Abby M.

    Gi Stasis/the "bloat"

    This is my first post here and I am writing because I just lost 2 Guinea pigs this weekend to GI Stasis. I have been trying to do my reading and trying to understand but maybe its the loss that's making it hard to grasp. I guess I am just wondering if anyone has had a guinea pig with this that...