
  1. TinaY

    Buckets is missing patches of hair

    Hi all! Buckets has been under a lot of stress lately as Donuts, his cagemate, went through the teenage hormonal phase and really chased him around a lot😟. There was no biting, but the poor guy really had a rough couple of weeks. As this was going on, I noticed a scratch on his back and later...
  2. rendzsikeee

    How long can we wait?

    Hi, I tried to book an appointment with the vet (one that I haven't been before) and when no one got back to me I phoned them up and I suppose they must be swamped, because I've got an appointment for a week from now and I'm not sure if we can wait that long. So my piggie started having more...
  3. K

    Hair loss

    Hello everyone! I am new to this app and also a New Guinea pig owner. My guineas; Ronnie and Reggie and both around 9 weeks old and have been fine so far until I noticed last week reggies fur above his eye has been falling out and today I checked up on him again and more hair has been lost! The...
  4. A

    Mites & can't get to Vet

    I have 3 guinea pigs, and my eldest, Alex seems to have dry patches of skin that seem to be almost scab-like? Looking on the forum it's likely that this is mites, but I'm not totally sure and want to check with a vet before trying to treat him. Unfortunately, my family and I are currently in...
  5. ollieandwinston


    My piggy has mites and we did research as to what to get to treat him,and most people said to get mite treatment at our local pet store and when we looked they didn’t have any and have never heard of it which,so we came back and did more research and found neem oil.So we were able to get some...
  6. A

    Guinea's back completely bare?

    So I have a long haired guinea called Laika, and she's almost 2.5, she had a partner for a few months, another female called Luna but she passed away at just under a year old. Laika has been absolutely fine since, she's very timid but fine with cuddles and always has a good appetite and drinks...
  7. W

    Hair loss around eye

    Hi, I noticed a few weeks back that my piggy Nymeria had a watery right eye, she tends to have that some times so I didn't really worry too much though I'd still check to see if she had a URI or something like that every day. Today I picked her up and the skin around her eye had lost a bit of...
  8. FayeM

    Loss Of Fur - Mites?

    Hi everyone It's been a while since I've been on here just looking for some advice if I may. One of my youngest piggies had an injury a few months back that the vet described as a sprained elbow. He was on painkillers for 5 days and recovered well. Now this evening we have noticed him limping...
  9. taroyukiponyo

    Eye Hairloss

    Sooo about a month ago my little Taro was adopted and introduced to yuki who was adopted the day before. Both males establishing dominance was to be expected. They are about 2-3 months old from my predictions. Anyway about a week later my wife and I noticed little Taro had a mini scratch on...