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hay for pets

  1. Jesse's pigs

    I feel like I’m doing something wrong

    As the title reads, I feel I’m either doing something wrong or missing a trick 😂😂 is it just me that seems to go through a mountain of hay daily or is it normal? I only have three piggies (two boars in one cage) and my other boar in the other cage AND yet I throw a bag full of hay away a day. I...
  2. cashewandpeppa

    Dust-free hay in the US

    Quality of hay is BY FAR the most important thing to me for my girls. I'm looking for a premium hay to order online that doesn't have a ton of dust at the bottom of the bag/box. I'd order from dustfreehay.co.uk if I was in the UK, but I'm in Chicago, IL. And their hay is American-grown, so I'm...
  3. ishimercado

    Stargrass Hay and Alfalfa Hay

    Hi, I've had my Guinea pig for almost a month now. She's a month and a couple of weeks old Sheltie/Silkie sow. Not sure why she's not too keen on eating hay. This is they hay I'm giving her. It's Stargrass Hay with Alfalfa Hay. But she doesn't seem to like it that much. I'm not even sure if...
  4. GeorgiaHarris

    What hay should I use?

    I want to bulk order some hay from Hay and Straw but I'm not sure which hay to get. They have 3 different types: Ings hay, Timothy and Rye hay and Meadow hay. Does anyone order from here and have any reviews/preferences?
  5. V

    Hay For Pets Ings Hay.

    I've just had a delivery of Hay for Pets INGS hay. I know some forum members have had some batches that they are not happy with BUT - I'm really happy with this batch - lovely and green and fresh smelling . I was hoping my 4 would tell you how good it is - but they're too busy munching .