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  1. Fiona1987

    Vegetable and fruit ideas.

    Heya everyone, Just after some suggestions really as I seem to have a very fussy 5 month old guinea pig. She eats hay and her pellets with no problem but when it comes to veg she will only touch lettuce, kale and a bit of spinach and in little quantities. She won’t seem to touch anything else...
  2. G

    Guinea Pig sick but not sick?

    This is my first post but I have two piggies and one of them has always been smaller, but these past few months she'd dropped to a dangerously low weight. we took her to the vet a while ago and she had a URI but we gave her the medicine for that and she doesn't have the infection anymore. Now...
  3. alf1et

    Safe Guinea Pig Toys

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could please help me, I have been doing lots of research for about 6/7 months because I am getting 2 baby American guinea pigs and I can't find any information on weather or not RUBBER toys are safe for guinea pigs. I was wondering if anyone could please help me...
  4. P

    White Spots In Cage For Two Weeks

    My Guinea pig is about 10 weeks old and for two weeks now she's had white spots in her cage. I know it's excess calcium, but how long does it last or what should I do? I've changed her piggy food thinking it might have too much calcium and she hasn't had celery or carrots in awhile. Thank you! :)
  5. Elgifu321

    Heygates Rabbits Choice Pellets?

    Caspar (my baby teddy boar) and Ronan (my baby texel boar: tonights addition, a lone runt that nobody, including the breeder wanted so I couldn't help myself) were both fed heygates rabbits choice pellets as well as refugees (which I feed a bit of alongside Timothy hay) before I got them so I...