how many pigs is too many pigs

  1. GuineaDigs

    How many pigs of which genders?

    Hi All! I have a 5x2 C&C cage, I don't want it to smell too much as it's in my living room, but i want my pigs to be the happiest pigs! I'm stuck on one boy two girls (neutered of course), three girls, or two of any gender pairing. Which genders are chattiest? Would two boys be smellier...
  2. Kallasia

    More, More More...

    How do you deal with the "cravings" to get more piggies? I know you can do the logical thinking - do I have enough space/time/money etc - but that doesn't change that deep-down "longing". Where am I going wrong? Our little family dynamic works well as it is, and having space left over means...