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  1. MsBaru

    DIY cage idea - is it suitable?

    I am thinking about making a DIY cage, since pet store cages are way too small, but my space is limited and I want to fit it into a certain corner. If anyone knows a YouTube channel Guinea Dad, he made a video of himself converting a piece of furniture into a guinea pig pen. My idea was to put...
  2. dannif_piggies

    Can anyone direct me to...?

    Hey! Can anyone direct me to where I can get something like this from!? They look so great for designing hidies but I don't even know what to search to get them 😂 Does anyone else have these? And what are they called?
  3. dannif_piggies

    Toy/boredom breaker ideas

    Hi all, I'm wanting to get a larger selection of enrichment together for my piggies, they have some enrichment and I often make them things from toilet roll tubes etc, but I was wondering. Is there anything that others have used that may have not been originally intended for piggies? Looking...
  4. Nibsandtuft

    What Food Do Guinea Pigs Like?

    We have two male guinea pigs and they love the normal food like beans and cucumber etc. But we would like to try them on something different ! Any ideas :hmm:
  5. jayjayb_00

    D.i.y. Cage Covers?

    I am hoping to find a way to attach a d.i.y top to my cage so I can leave the cat in my room while I'm gone and cause less fuss or stress by it but until then its a strict "no me, no cat in the room" policy!:rtm: The cage is a waterproofed wood cage with plexiglass on the front. Does anyone...