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kidney stones

  1. Banjobean

    Blood in urine?

    I've spent many an hour reading posts on this forum over the years but my first post here! So hello all! Banjo has always loved drinking a lot of water and snacking on his biscuits/hay - he seems so happy when doing so, only the last few days perhaps a week I've been starting to wonder if he...
  2. TwoTeenyPeegs

    Some interesting bladder stone info?

    * quick warning, i am not an expert in bladder stones, i am not a vet or doctor. I haven't looked at studies or read hundreds of articles, so this might be one big mistake * ... But i think this might be very useful to someone with a bladder stone pig. I came across this interesting video...
  3. S

    Special diet help

    Hi, I'm new to this whole forum thing so apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place or anything. We rescued a lovely boy, Pongo, just over a week ago and unfortunately subsequently found out he had a significant kidney stone. He went for surgery and had the kidney removed and is now...
  4. Fandoq

    My guinea pig died yesterday

    Hello. I'm new here and I'm not sure how this works. But I have to write or I'm gonna explode. My guinea pig "Fandoq" ( which means hazelnut in English) died yesterday. He had kidney stones and he's been taking medications for a month or so. He refused to eat and he lost his appetite but I gave...
  5. merrypiglets

    Older piggie not feeling well/agitated with cage mate?

    Gizmo is my pig who I've had for the past 5 years. He has also lived with his cage mate Captain for that entire time. Until the past year Gizmo was always the very healthy one out of my pigs. He's the more dominant pig in the cage with Captain and they have had some small dominance battles in...
  6. G

    What is this substance coming out of my male guinea pigs hole?

    My male guinea pig who is at least 2 years old has not been peeing for 2 or more days but instead, has been having this substance come out of his urethra/peehole. I’ve looked up symptoms online, trying to find this exact substance but haven’t been able to find anything similar. It can either be...
  7. D

    Reoccurring Kidney Stones

    My Pig has reoccurring kidney stones that form every month. Two months ago he got a surgery to remove one, and last month he developed another one. My vet told me he didn't feel safe operating again, and that we had to decide between operating (Despite the risk) or putting him down. I decided to...
  8. Beans&Toast

    Powdery Pee?

    I was just cleaning the pigs cage out (I have fleece) and noticed a few dots of white/cream "paste" is the only word I can use to describe it. I used my finger to see what it was, it was a very powdery consistency so I'm thinking maybe too much calcium in their diet? I can't think how.. They...
  9. Kerrie74

    Advice Needed - Bladder And Kidney Stone Pig

    My son has just taken his guinea to the vets, he's had an xray and they've found a stone in his kidney and two in his bladder (tiny ones). The vet said to stop his pellets, lower his veg intake and give him lots of hay (he has lots of hay anyway). She said to give him painkillers and baytril...
  10. SixPigs

    Poorly Pig, 2 X Kidney Stones, Not Drinking Or Eating , Any Advice Please?

    Am new on here. Please help me. We have 5 guinea pigs and one of the eldest [4 1/2 yo] had stopped eating his veg and looked hunched and squinty eyes so we took to vet on Sat. He checked mouth [ok] and did bloods [all ok] and examined [all ok], but xray showed 2 kidney stones. I did see xray but...