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  1. Rufus&Edward

    Lone guinea pig again- what to do?

    I have two guinea pigs- Edward (7 years old) and Leo (coming up to 5). Leo was a rescue piggy who came to live with us when Edward's original buddy sadly died at a young age from various health problems. We've always said that they would be our last piggies as a lot has changed in our lives...
  2. emmyk89

    Don't understand new lone pigs behaviour

    Hello! I was a pig owner a few years back I had 2 boars who were brothers and bonded. 5 days ago I rescued a single 1yo boar who was advertised online in a little cage totally unsuitable for a pig so I took him in, with the intention to get him a friend within the next couple of months...
  3. Caitlyn11


    Hi I’ve had my little girl for about 6 months now. She didn’t grow up with any friends. Do you think it’s a good idea to get her a companion? If so, what age would you suggest?
  4. TheLottiediarys

    Losing A Guinea And Gaining A Guinea.

    Unfortunately everything is happening a once. Sadly we lost our oldest female, Taini, this time last week, Which, unfortunately has happened around the same time we've gained two new piggies. Very suddenly last Sunday, Taini our 7 year old female who was living with a boar called Bear and two...
  5. B

    Lone Guinea Pig

    Hi There My Guinea pig baby has been Bullied by a group of 4 guinea pigs for a long time now, I decided since it was having an obvious effect on her wellbeing to try to pair her with another guinea from the group that didnt go well, Now she is alone in an indoor cage, and I'm unsure what to do...