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  1. Shady

    heart failure / stroke issue

    my daughter leave me forever on 4JUNE2022. first from fluid lungs, after going to vet she ok. after 8month she have heart failure issue. everything start from revisit vet. i send to vet because i notice she always chocking / coughing. after take baytril antibiotic for 4days, she slowly less...
  2. KenzieC

    Urgent: Pig Has Fluid In Chest On One Side...cannot See His Heart.

    Hello everyone! My wonderful baby Atlas (m) is back on antibiotics for the third time since i got him 4 months ago. When I bought him (stupidly) from a PetSmart, I quickly found that he was sick. We went to the vet and he had severe pneumonia and a URI. He was on baytril and a dieuretic for 2...
  3. Piggiemum7

    Update On Ben, Possible Bladder Problems (sorry Long Post)

    Some of you have been helping me with my thread last week about Ben's breathing here. Kind of keeping this as a sort of log for the past week... He's been having baytril, metacam, vit c supplements, probiotic and critical care recovery food. He was 1.2kg before and hit a low of 1.09 when the...
  4. Piggiemum7

    Chronic Bronchitis?

    Ben has always been a fast breather but yesterday it seemed a little stronger so we took him to the vets and she suggested he could have an infection so prescribed him 0.25ml baytril twice a day which he had yesterday and today but this afternoon he started making crackly noises when breathing...