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not pooing

  1. Piggylu

    Holding in going to toilet

    Hi, sorry if this is long but want to explain the best I can. I have a 3 year old female guinea pig who lost her sister to bloat around a month ago. Both the same age and had them both since they were young, with no other guinea pigs. She lives in a c&c cage, with an upstairs. The upstairs is...
  2. jesse1234

    strange behaviour in my piggie

    hi, new here, just looking for some advice. i have a 2 year old rescued guinea pig named oswald, and he has been concerning me for he past hour or so. he's never had any health issues or concerns prior. when he's eating his hay, not when eating pepper or anything else, he makes a sort of low...
  3. T

    Guinea Pig Gut Stasis?

    Hi, last week my guinea pig had a very wheezy chest and was breathing irregularly and so we took her to the vets to be treated for a URI. The vet gave her a week long course of antibiotics which we completed at the weekend. We were not prescribed antibiotics and she had diarrhoea for a couple...
  4. GiznYogi

    Guinea Pig Losing Weight On Baytril

    My boar had a couple of spots of blood in his urine so I took him to the vets. She advised I give him Baytril 0.25ml twice a day. He had been eating and drinking perfectly well but since starting these meds he's now hardly eating anything except a little hay, leaving his greens and nuggets...
  5. Taylor Richele

    Piggy Isn't Pooping

    Hi everyone. So a couple of days ago I noticed one of my pigs didn't want to come down for greens. She's normally waiting at her bowl about a half an our before greens time, so this was weird. I had to pick her up and move her to her food bowl. Once she was there, she ate fine. At this point she...