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  1. meggles1410

    I'm So Scared And Sad... Mixed Emotions

    its been a very long time since ive posted about 4-3 years ago when i got my pig Maisie and adopted Teddy. well teddy passed over the rainbow bridge last month aged 6-7 we believe due to a massive tumor. this has left me heart broken and Maisie more so as she never left his side! her depression...
  2. T

    Guinea Pig Drinking A Lot Of Water

    Recently my guinea pig has been drinking a lot of water, she is over 6/7 years old I cannot remember exactly, I know that may sound bad but she is a baby of one of my old Guinea pigs☺️ and I was quite young when she was born so I didn't think to remember the date! I'm not sure if she has always...
  3. LisaAli

    Impaction - How To Help Your Guinea Pig.

    Please always have your boar vet checked promptly when you suspect impaction! - What you think is impaction may actually not be the thing in the first place! - Impaction can also not the be main cause/problem but a complication resulting from another health problem, which may go unnoticed until...