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outdoors to indoors

  1. sparkle

    Some Questions On Bringing Guinea Pigs Indoors!

    I created a few forums a few months ago on a similar topic however, now it is nearing Christmas time I have been thinking of finally setting up a c&c cage for my guinea pigs. I still have a few questions as I really just want to make sure that everything is okay and safe for them and I would...
  2. sparkle

    Guinea Pigs Questions.

    Recently I have been thinking about moving my guinea pigs from outdoors to indoors. I have already asked about this however, I am now trying to think a bit about the space I have and other animals I may be getting in the future. I have a few questions and I would really appreciate it if anyone...
  3. sparkle

    Outdoors To Indoors

    I currently have 2 guinea pigs who have been leaving outside for a few years now. I'm considering purchasing a new hutch for them soon as I am hoping to be able to afford to upgrade to a two floor hutch soon however, I have been thinking about bringing my guinea pigs inside for a while now and...