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  1. Adelyn

    Begging for pellets?

    Every day I refill Clover and Stella's food bowl. One tablespoon of pellets each. In the evening their bowl is empty, and whenever I walk by they wheek at me. I give them a little bit more, and in the morning it's empty. We're back to where we started. Are they truly hungry, or are they eating...
  2. AlbertePedersen

    Overweight guinea pig :((

    Hi everybody, I need help. My guinea pig is a male of 1,5 years. He loves food, and can be very unhappy if he doesn't feel like he has gotten enough food or exactly the food that he wants. My problem now is that he has become incredibly overweight. I can no longer feel his ribs or spine. I...
  3. teddyandgus

    Are My Pups Over Eating?

    I have two baby boy piggies, one is 9 weeks and the other one is 11 weeks, I feed them what I think is quite a lot but they only seem to eat leafy greens, they won't really eat pepper, Apple, carrot etc. So I usually give them a handful of spinach (which is their absolute favourite), a handful...