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  1. Isabellajones

    Painting and pigs.

    Hey everyone, Not sure if this thread is in the right place sorry if it’s not! Today I am having to touch up my bedroom walls where the damp from all the rain we have had here has caused some black patches (this is an ongoing issue with my flat 20 years or more) it’s only a small job and...
  2. mackayla178

    Safe for GP 21 hours after painting?

    Hi! I painted my ceiling today, I live in the attic so my walls are slanted making my ceilings very small. I put my guinea pigs in my mothers room while I painted. The windows have been open and I have two fans going, I’ll be doing this until tomorrow. Is it okay to move them back in and into...
  3. Wheeksers

    Guinea Pig Fan Art: Space Blanket Piggy

    Hey all! I wanted to share so me fan art I did the other day of Amy Frances (Instagram). I'm really proud of the way this turned out! I'm hoping to make more and (hopefully) have my own creation. I suck a drawing or being original in that regard, so I tend to lean heavily on other's work. But...
  4. Kirbs

    painting 😀

    the art and the inspiration
  5. Kallasia

    Painting Of Binky! I'm Feeling Proud!

    What do you guys think of my abstract version of Binky? The many colours represent the many aspects of his personality and of the joy he brings his brother Errol and myself and partner <3
  6. rory

    Can I Paint Your Piggie?

    I just painted over a picture of my guinea pig digitally. I really had fun doing it. I was wondering if anyone else would like their piggie drawn? I hope this is allowed. Please just attach a picture of your piggie if you'd like a painting.