
  1. H

    A miracle conception?!

    Hi there, first time poster, long time Guinea Pig Mum. This is an interesting story so strap yourselves in for a bit of a ride... The past couple of weeks I had noticed in my female Guinea pig (Honey) a lump had formed in her stomach and was sticking out from her side. Unfortunately my car was...
  2. Pxhione

    Is my piggy pregnant?!

    Hey fellow piggy lovers! I have 3 Guinea pigs, all female. They are all abyssians and they all had a vet check before I brought them home. Caramel, Paris and Sunny have been with me for 4 weeks but they were about 7 weeks old when I got them from a shelter... they were abandoned in a box...
  3. D

    Could My Piggie Be Pregnant?

    I got two Guinea pigs from the local shelter about a week ago. My first pigs! The shelter knew very little about the pigs medical history, and they thought one of the pigs has a vitiam C deficiency because her fur is very coarse and stands up weirdly, and she has bald spots behind her ears. But...
  4. Ever

    Is My Guinea Pig Pregnant?

    I got a female guinea pig from my local shelter about 22 days ago. I noticed that she was a bit large compared to my other female rescue guinea pig that I got from somewhere else. I was told that she was between 1 and 2 years old. I don't know much about her history, but I know that there was a...
  5. Oreoandtwix

    New Guinea Pig Need Suggestions

    I just got 2 Guinea pigs yesterday, Oreo is 3 year old female and twix is a 7 month old. The lady who gave them to me did not realize that twix was not fixed, she has had them together for 3-4 weeks. I'm concerned about Oreo if she has become pregnant, if she gives birth how much danger will she...