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  1. S

    Present Ideas

    Hello again! Just asking for any present ideas for my guinea! Anyone have any in mind?
  2. Kallasia

    Guinea Pig Earrings!

    So I treated myself to a little something... take a look! I got them from here: Cute original creations, handmade with love. by Wildyfraise I ordered them on 8th Feb and they just arrived this morning - all the way from France! Here's the "official" image from the website:
  3. Kallasia

    Present Ideas For Girls!

    Hello all :) When looking for a present for my younger cousin, I came across this book and thought it's fantastic so I simply had to share it! Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls | Guardian Bookshop It's fairy tales about independent and inspirational women, rather than princesses in need...
  4. Beans&Toast

    Mother's Day

    So I got up to give my Mum her Mother's day present and turns out she had one for me... Well, from Beans and Toast :tu: My first Mother's day :love: