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  1. lydvn

    Booger/Pus in guinea pigs ear

    One of my guinea pigs has been scratching her ear more than usual and shaking her head a lot. I checked her ear and there is a white looking booger thing at the very bottom in there and I am not sure if this is an ear infection or and emergency? Is there any way I can make this better for her...
  2. Cherrychops100

    Specialist Abscess on face - HELP

    Hi there, my guinea pig had a large lump on her face so we took her to the vet. She examined her and said that she had 2 abscesses, so cut them open to drain the puss and bacteria. She's on antibiotics and we're draining it with hibiscrub to try and squeeze everything out. However there is a...
  3. Guptheguineapig

    Specialist Ear Infection/falling over

    Hello there! I have a little girl named Tippy. She was a rescue from a pet store. She was kept in the back room because she had a head tilt and they couldn't put her out in the front with the rest of the pigs... When I rescued her she was reported infection free (which now I don't believe)...
  4. Lilaclemons

    Pus-draining advice

    Hello! I have a guinea pig of about 7-8 years who had recurring abscess growth on her neck. While we’ve tried our best to care for it, due to health risk and cost we’ve decided against testing. In the end, we’ve removed the abscess three times, and it continues to return to no avail, even with...
  5. Emily<3

    Strange Patch Appeared Near Guinea Pig Eye

    Hello! I have a longhaired piggy named Atticus, he is about 5 years old. He has developed a strange patch right in between his eye and his nose (it seems almost attached to the veeeery end of his eye) at first he was just scratching at it but now there is pus coming out of it. My other pig...
  6. Danielle Smith

    Secretion From Penis Post-neuter; Pus, Glue, Smegma, Sludgy Wee?

    Tubs was neutered on Saturday 26th November. While he was exclusively syringe-fed at first, he's recovering somewhat and eating hay, veggies and some pellets (he's losing 5-10g a day, but I'm keeping an eye on that and topping up with syringe feed where necessary). He's on loxicom for pain...