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  1. W

    HELP! 4males together. Fighting. 1 male bullied?

    Hello, in mid July 2018 we decided to get Guinea Pigs for the first time. We went to 2 separate people who were selling their newborns. Both pairs between 8-9 weeks old. We brought a pair of long hair male brothers from some guinea pig breeders and named the back haired Dave, and the white head...
  2. Guineapigfeet

    Trio To Quad? Advice Appreciated

    Hi, I have three 9 month old (ish) sisters who get along great. Chewie and BB are more affectionate to each other than to Rey, but no one is bullied or left out in any way. The accountant at work also has a pair of older girls (maybe 3 yrs?) and has previously asked if I would take the...
  3. Squidgypigs

    Trio Or A Quad? (currently Just Two).

    We currently have a pair of happily bonded girls. In the next couple of weeks we will be in a position where we can build a large c&c cage for them and thought this may be a good opportunity to expand the herd... I am wondering if you would recommend introducing one or two new piggies at a...