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  1. J

    Red patch on Guinea Pig body

    Hi everyone, my 7 month old piggie Daisy has a red patch, close to the top of her front leg. any help would be great. I have attached photos. Thanks, Joe
  2. HeatherW

    Red stuff around eye

    Does anyone know what this could be? It only appears on Jasmine's right eye. I took her and Pickle to the vet yesterday about excessive scratching caused by mites (which are now gone, thankfully) and now this has appeared out of nowhere. Her eye is otherwise normal (if a little bit red in the...
  3. Bella123

    Poorly Red Feet / Possible Allergy?

    Hi, Took Flash to the vets yesterday, as one of his feet had a red patch on them, it appears that all of his feet according to the vet I saw are actually affected. The vet thinks it may be an allergy. It's not the start of bumble foot as there has been no signs of infection or any injury to...