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spot on

  1. patnporridge

    Spot On treatment advice

    Hello! My vet has reccomended using Spot On for my two pigs. We’ve used it before and it seemed to help for a while but the mites are back. She’s suggested we try it 2 or 3 times with 2 weeks between each treatment. My question is this: we’ll treat our guinea pigs, but at which point of the...
  2. Celine298

    Ivermectin - Topical Treatment

    Hey guys, I'm about to do a spot-on treatment on my piggies for mange mites/lice. I have the Ivermectin, I've got my dosages all sorted out and ready to go, my only question is placement. I've administered topical spot-on treatments to cats and dogs in the past, and it was always put on the...
  3. paulalovespiggies

    Temporary Separation & Reintroducing...

    Hi everyone, My 2 guinea pigs always got along perfectly fine. One has been sick (Pig) and can't move much, so i separated them for about a month over the summer because I was scared the non sick one (Percy) was too boisterous, Pig was squealing a lot and I was worried he could be getting...