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  1. Annelle

    Abyssinian/texel/silkie Mix Babies!

    Two bundles of joy were born under our roof today! We had an accidental pregnancy between two of our rescues when our mischievous Silkie-Mix male tore open his C&C cage wall. (We have many more reinforcements now, and have definitely learned our lesson there.) Our crazy haired texel/Abyssinian...
  2. MrsJamie

    Dry Ears

    My texel Guinea pig Ferb has dry skin on his ears. I am aware texel Guinea pigs are prone to skin problems however he is the first texel I have ever had. Should I be concerned at this stage or is this normal? He is happy, eating and squeaking and doesn't flinch when I touch his ears/the dry...
  3. Stewybus

    Scruff & Pongo - 2 Lovely Long Haired Boys

    A rare picture of Tees Valley Guinea Pig Rescue's 2 long haired boys Scruff & Pongo who came here in August & are still waiting for their forever home. Don't be put off by maintenance of their long hair. I just use the hairbrush pictured with them & in the last 4 months have only had to cut out...