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  1. ?

    how many guinea pigs can you get from pets at home?

    hi, i want to buy three female guinea pigs and i’m going to go to pets at home ( only because there are no adoption shelters near me at all) i was wandering if they had a two pet limit or if anyone has managed to buy three girls there before? thanks :)
  2. T

    Three Baby Sows(possible Bullying)

    Hi everyone. I’m new to this so I’m just going to explain my situation. I recently got three baby sows. Two are blood sisters but all three grew up together(the one only being a week or so apart). I read the article on establishing dominance because I felt like that was my situation. However...
  3. Elke

    Introducing New (male) Guinea Pig - Advice Needed

    So, here's the situation: We have two guinea pigs (males), they've always been together (they're two years old). They behave normally, although we noticed that the alpha is mounting the other pig pretty often - but it was never anything dangerous for piggies. We have decided to adopt a new...
  4. Guineapigfeet

    Three Little Pigs Go Whee Whee Wheek

    not often they all line up so beautifully!
  5. Moomin91

    Unhappy Piggy? Worried Newbie Owner Advice Needed

    Hi all proud newbie owner here that has been researching and reading countless forums on here already to prepare myself for the new arrivals but I really need some more advice and couldn't find any similar thread, I'm rather worried about one of our new Guinea pigs we brought 3 females home...
  6. Sach15

    Adding A Third?

    Hiya Me and my mum rescue all our animals, only time we've had anything from babies is our kittens which were neglected and was given to us for free! Anyway, so we took in a female Guinea pig in February and she was alone for a month until we decided to get her a friend (we were worried because...